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import $ from 'jquery'
import Circle from 'ol/style/Circle'
import Fill from 'ol/style/Fill'
import Icon from 'ol/style/Icon'
import RegularShape from 'ol/style/RegularShape'
import Stroke from 'ol/style/Stroke'
import Style from 'ol/style/Style'
import Text from 'ol/style/Text'

import { copyDeep, copy } from './utilitiesObject'
import { checkFor } from './utilities'
import { Debug } from './Debug'

import { parseCSSColor } from 'csscolorparser'

import { isFunction, isObject, isArray } from 'lodash/lang'

 * @typedef {string|StyleObject|ol.style.Style} StyleLike

 * @typedef {Object} StyleObject

 * merges two style configs
 * @param {StyleObject} configTarget
 * @param {StyleObject} configSource
 * @returns {StyleObject}
function mergeStyleConfigs (configTarget, configSource) {
  const mergedConf = copyDeep(configTarget)
  if (configSource) {
    for (const k of Object.keys(configSource)) {
      const sourceProp = configSource[k]

      if (configTarget.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
        const targetProp = configTarget[k]

        if (typeof targetProp === 'object' && !(targetProp instanceof Array)) {
          // if it is another object, merge recursively
          const targetProp = configTarget[k]

          if (targetProp.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
            if (sourceProp.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
              if (configTarget[k].type === sourceProp.type) {
                mergedConf[k] = mergeStyleConfigs(targetProp, sourceProp)
          } else {
            mergedConf[k] = mergeStyleConfigs(targetProp, sourceProp)
      } else {
        // copy over if it doesn't exist in the target
        if (typeof sourceProp === 'object' && !(sourceProp instanceof Array)) {
          mergedConf[k] = copyDeep(sourceProp)
        } else {
          mergedConf[k] = sourceProp
  return mergedConf

 * This class coordinates the styling.
export class Styling {
   * @param {Object} [options]
   * @param {Object} [options.styleConfigMap]
   * @param {number} [options.scaleIcons]
   * @param {boolean} [options.manageStyles=true]
  constructor (options = {}) {
     * @type {Map.<string,StyleObject>}
     * @private
    this.styleConfigMap_ = new Map()

    if (!this.styleConfigMap_.has('#defaultStyle')) {
      // FallbackStyle
      this.styleConfigMap_.set('#defaultStyle', {
        stroke: {
          color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
          width: 2
        fill: {
          color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
        image: {
          type: 'circle',
          stroke: {
            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
            width: 2
          fill: {
            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'

    if (options.styleConfigMap) {
      for (const k of Object.keys(options.styleConfigMap)) {
        this.styleConfigMap_.set(k, options.styleConfigMap[k])

     * @type {Map.<string,ol.style.Style>}
     * @private
    this.styleMap_ = new Map()

     * @type {Set.<ol.style.Style>}
     * @private
    this.allStyles_ = new Set()

    if (options.scaleIcons) {

     * @param {ol.Feature} feature
     * @param {number} resolution
     * @returns {*}
     * @private
    this.managingFeatureStyle_ = (feature, resolution) => {
      return this.processedStyle(feature.get('managedStyle'), feature, resolution)

    this.nullStyle_ = new Style({
      image: null

    this.manageStyles_ = options.manageStyles !== false

  manifestStyle (style, feature, resolution) {
    while ($.isFunction(style)) {
      style = style(feature, resolution)
    if (!style) {
      style = this.getStyle('#defaultStyle')
    if (isArray(style)) {
      return style.map(s => this.manifestStyle(s))
    } else {
      return style

   * @param {number} scale
  setGlobalIconScale (scale) {
     * @type {number}
     * @private
    this.globalIconScale_ = scale

   * @returns {number}
  getGlobalIconScale () {
    return this.globalIconScale_ || 1

   * @param {StyleObject} styleConf
   * @returns {ol.style.Style}
  getStyleFromConfig (styleConf) {
    const filledStyleConf = mergeStyleConfigs(styleConf, this.styleConfigMap_.get('#default'))

    function addFillsAndStrokes (subStyleConf) {
      subStyleConf = subStyleConf || {}
      const preparedOptions = copy(subStyleConf)

      if (checkFor(subStyleConf, 'fill')) {
        preparedOptions.fill = new Fill(mergeStyleConfigs(subStyleConf.fill, filledStyleConf.fill))
      } else {
        preparedOptions.fill = new Fill(filledStyleConf.fill)

      if (checkFor(subStyleConf, 'backgroundFill')) {
        preparedOptions.backgroundFill =
          new Fill(mergeStyleConfigs(subStyleConf.backgroundFill, filledStyleConf.backgroundFill))

      if (checkFor(subStyleConf, 'stroke')) {
        preparedOptions.stroke = new Stroke(mergeStyleConfigs(subStyleConf.stroke, filledStyleConf.stroke))
      } else {
        preparedOptions.stroke = new Stroke(filledStyleConf.stroke)

      if (checkFor(subStyleConf, 'backgroundStroke')) {
        preparedOptions.backgroundStroke =
          new Stroke(mergeStyleConfigs(subStyleConf.backgroundStroke, filledStyleConf.backgroundStroke))

      return preparedOptions

    const styleOptions = addFillsAndStrokes(filledStyleConf)

    let getTextProperty

    if (filledStyleConf.hasOwnProperty('text')) {
      getTextProperty = filledStyleConf.text.textProperty
      styleOptions.text = new Text(addFillsAndStrokes(filledStyleConf.text))

    let scalable = false

    if (filledStyleConf.hasOwnProperty('image')) {
      if (filledStyleConf.image.type === 'icon' &&
        (filledStyleConf.image.hasOwnProperty('src')) && filledStyleConf.image.src) {
        styleOptions.image = new Icon(filledStyleConf.image)
        scalable = true
      } else if (filledStyleConf.image.type === 'circle') {
        styleOptions.image = new Circle(addFillsAndStrokes(filledStyleConf.image))
        scalable = true
      } else if (filledStyleConf.image.type === 'regularShape') {
        styleOptions.image = new RegularShape(addFillsAndStrokes(filledStyleConf.image))
        scalable = true

      if (scalable) {
        styleOptions.image.setScale((styleOptions.image.getScale() || 1) * this.getGlobalIconScale())

    const style = new Style(styleOptions)
    if (getTextProperty) {
      return feature => {
        const text = feature.get(getTextProperty)
        if (text) {
        } else {
        return style
    } else {
      return style

  getConfigFromStyle () {
    throw new Error('Not implemented yet')

   * @param {string} id
   * @returns {ol.style.Style}
  getStyleById (id) {
    if (!this.styleMap_.has(id)) {
      if (this.styleConfigMap_.has(id)) {
        this.styleMap_.set(id, this.getStyleFromConfig(this.getConfigById(id)))
      } else {
        Debug.warn('No style found for id ' + id + '. Using default style.')
        return this.styleMap_.get('#defaultStyle')
    return this.styleMap_.get(id)

   * @param {string} id
   * @returns {StyleObject}
  getConfigById (id) {
    if (this.styleConfigMap_.has(id)) {
      return this.styleConfigMap_.get(id)
    } else {
      Debug.warn('No style config found for id ' + id + '. Using default style.')
      return this.styleConfigMap_.get('#defaultStyle')

   * @param {StyleLike} data
   * @returns {ol.style.Style}
  getStyle (data) {
    if (data === undefined) {
      return this.getStyleById('#defaultStyle')
    } else if (data instanceof Style || isFunction(data)) {
      return data
    } else if (isArray(data)) {
      return data.map(d => this.getStyle(d))
    } else if (isObject(data)) {
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('conditional')) {
        return this.getConditionalStyleFromConfig(data.conditional)
      } else {
        return this.getStyleFromConfig(data)
    } else {
      return this.getStyleById(data)

   * This internal method is called to adjust each style to current global and feature settings
   * @param feature
   * @param style
   * @returns {ol.style.Style}
   * @private
  adjustStyle_ (feature, style) {
    if (!feature.get('hidden')) {
      if (this.getGlobalIconScale() !== 1 || feature.get('opacity') !== undefined) {
        const clone = style.clone()
        if (feature.get('opacity') !== undefined) {
          this.changeColorOpacity_(clone, feature.get('opacity'))
        return clone
      } else {
        return style
    } else {
      return this.nullStyle_

   * This method adjusts the scale of a style
   * @param style
   * @private
  scaleStyle_ (style) {
    const image = style.getImage()
    if (image) {
      const origScale = style.getImage().getScale() || 1
      image.setScale(origScale * this.getGlobalIconScale())

   * adjust the styles opacity by a given value
   * @param {ol.style.Style} style
   * @param {number} opacity between 0 and 1
   * @returns {ol.style.Style}
  changeColorOpacity_ (style, opacity) {
    const adjustColor = (style, opacity) => {
      let color = style.getColor()
      if (color !== null) {
        if (!(color instanceof Array)) {
          if (typeof color === 'string') {
            color = parseCSSColor(color)
          } else {
            throw new Error('Type not supported')

        color[3] = color[3] * opacity

    if (style.getImage()) {
    if (style.getFill()) {
      adjustColor(style.getFill(), opacity)
    if (style.getStroke()) {
      adjustColor(style.getStroke(), opacity)
    if (style.getText()) {
      if (style.getText().getFill()) {
        adjustColor(style.getText().getFill(), opacity)
      if (style.getText().getStroke()) {
        adjustColor(style.getText().getStroke(), opacity)

  manageFeature (feature) {
    if (this.manageStyles_) {
      const style = feature.getStyle()
      if (style && !feature.get('managedStyle')) {
        feature.set('managedStyle', style)

  manageFeatureCollection (collection) {
    if (this.manageStyles_) {
      collection.forEach(feature => {

      collection.on('add', e => {

  processedStyle (style, feature, resolution) {
    const mStyle = this.manifestStyle(style, feature, resolution)
    if (isArray(mStyle)) {
      return mStyle.map(s => this.adjustStyle_(feature, s))
    } else {
      return this.adjustStyle_(feature, mStyle)

  manageLayer (layer) {
    if (this.manageStyles_) {
      const style = layer.getStyle()

      if (style && !layer.get('managedStyle')) {
        layer.set('managedStyle', style)
        layer.setStyle((feature, resolution) => {
          return this.processedStyle(style, feature, resolution)

      layer.getSource().getFeatures().forEach(feature => {

      layer.getSource().on('addfeature', e => {

  getConditionalStyleFromConfig (configArr) {
    const styles = configArr.map(o => this.getStyle(o.style))
    return feature => {
      for (let i = 0; i < configArr.length; i++) {
        if (!configArr[i].condition) {
          return styles[i]
        const cond = configArr[i].condition
        switch (cond[1]) {
          case '=':
            if (feature.get(cond[0]) === cond[2]) {
              return styles[i]
          case '!=':
            if (feature.get(cond[0]) !== cond[2]) {
              return styles[i]
          case '<':
            if (feature.get(cond[0]) < cond[2]) {
              return styles[i]
          case '>':
            if (feature.get(cond[0]) > cond[2]) {
              return styles[i]
          case '<=':
            if (feature.get(cond[0]) <= cond[2]) {
              return styles[i]
          case '>=':
            if (feature.get(cond[0]) >= cond[2]) {
              return styles[i]