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import { GroupLayer } from './GroupLayer'

 * @typedef {object} BaseLayerMixinOptions
 * @property {GroupLayer} groupLayer the group this baseLayer belongs to

 * This mixin provides baselayer functionality to any layer
export class BaseLayerMixin {
   * @param {BaseLayerMixinOptions} options
  initialize (options) {
     * @type {GroupLayer}
     * @private
    this.groupLayer_ = options.groupLayer

    this.on('change:available', this.onChangeAvailable.bind(this))
    this.on('change:visible', this.onChangeVisible.bind(this))

    this.isBaseLayer = true

   * This method sets the next available layer visible if this layer gets unavailable and was the visible baselayer
  onChangeAvailable () {
    if (!this.get('available') && this.getVisible()) {
      this.groupLayer_.recursiveForEach(layer => {
        if (!(layer instanceof GroupLayer) && layer.get('available')) {

   * This method sets all other baselayers not visible if set true.
  onChangeVisible () {
    if (this.getVisible()) {
      this.groupLayer_.recursiveForEach(layer => {
        if (!(layer instanceof GroupLayer) && layer !== this) {
    } else {
      let found = false
      this.groupLayer_.recursiveForEach(layer => {
        if (!(layer instanceof GroupLayer) && layer.getVisible()) {
          found = true

      if (!found) {