Home Reference Source


import $ from 'jquery'
import { transform, transformExtent } from 'ol/proj'
import Polygon from 'ol/geom/Polygon'
import Point from 'ol/geom/Point'
import Feature from 'ol/Feature'

import { Debug } from '../../Debug'
import { SearchConnector } from './SearchConnector'

export class NominatimSearchConnector extends SearchConnector {
  constructor (options) {

    this.dataProjection = 'EPSG:4326'

    if (options.extent) {
      this.userExtent_ = options.extent

  setExtent (extent) {
    const extentString = extent.join(',')
    this.serviceURL.addParam(`format=json&q={searchstring}&addressdetails=1&dedupe=1&viewboxlbrt=${extentString}` +

  setMap (map) {

    if (map) {
      let userExtent = this.userExtent_
      if (map.get('mapConfig').view.extent) {
        userExtent = map.get('mapConfig').view.extent

      if (userExtent) {
        this.setExtent(transformExtent(userExtent, map.get('interfaceProjection'), this.dataProjection))
      } else {
        const extent = map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize())
        this.setExtent(transformExtent(extent, this.featureProjection, this.dataProjection))

  getAutoComplete (text) {
    return new Promise(resolve => resolve([[], []]))

  getSearchResult (searchTerm) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const finalUrl = this.serviceURL.clone().expandTemplate('searchstring', searchTerm).finalize()

        url: finalUrl,
        dataType: 'json',
        success: results => {
          resolve(SearchConnector.flipTuples(results.map(r => this.readFeature_(r))))
        error: (jqXHR, textStatus) => {
          reject(new Error('Problem while trying to get search results from the Server: ' +
            `${textStatus} - ${jqXHR.responseText} (SearchURL: ${finalUrl})`))

   * @param {object} data
   * @returns {[string, Feature]}
   * @protected
  readFeature_ (data) {
    // creates Features which may have the following data fields:
    // id
    // name
    // description
    // dropdowntext
    // searchtext
    // and will have a geometry and a style if anything was provided

    const descriptionArray = []

     * Pushes an element to the description array
     * @param {string} val
    function pushDescriptionArray (val) {
      if (descriptionArray.length < 1 || val !== descriptionArray[descriptionArray.length - 1]) {

    const featureOptions = {}
    let id

    if (data.hasOwnProperty('place_id')) {
      id = data.place_id

    if (data.hasOwnProperty('display_name')) {
      featureOptions.searchtext = data.display_name

    if (data.hasOwnProperty('namedetails')) {
      const curLang = this.localiser.getCurrentLang()
      if (data.namedetails.hasOwnProperty('name:' + curLang)) {
        pushDescriptionArray(data.namedetails['name:' + curLang])
      } else if (data.namedetails.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
    } else {
      throw new Error('Please add the option namedetails=1 to your searchstring in the config.')

    if (data.hasOwnProperty('address')) {
      if (data && data.address.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
      } else if (data.type === 'administrative') {
        pushDescriptionArray(data.display_name.split(', ')[0])

      let road
      if (data.address.hasOwnProperty('road')) {
        road = data.address.road
      } else if (data.address.hasOwnProperty('pedestrian')) {
        road = data.address.pedestrian
      } else if (data.address.hasOwnProperty('cycleway')) {
        road = data.address.cycleway

      if (road) {
        if (data.address.hasOwnProperty('house_number')) {
          road += ' ' + data.address.house_number


      let postcode
      if (data.address.hasOwnProperty('postcode')) {
        postcode = data.address.postcode

      let city = ''
      if (data.address.hasOwnProperty('city')) {
        city = data.address.city
      } else if (data.address.hasOwnProperty('town')) {
        city = data.address.town
      } else if (data.address.hasOwnProperty('village')) {
        city = data.address.village

      if (postcode && city) {
        pushDescriptionArray(postcode + ' ' + city)
      } else if (postcode) {
      } else if (city) {

      if (data.address && (city !== data.address.hasOwnProperty('county'))) {
    } else {
      throw new Error('Please add the option addressdetails=1 to your searchstring in the config.')

    const dropdowntext = descriptionArray.join(',<br />')
    featureOptions.name = descriptionArray.shift()

    if (data.hasOwnProperty('extratags')) {
      if (data.extratags.hasOwnProperty('website')) {
        const linkText = this.localiser.localiseUsingDictionary('Nominatim website')
        let url = data.extratags.website
        if (url.slice(0, 7) !== 'http://') {
          url = 'http://' + url
        pushDescriptionArray(`<a href="${url}" target="_blank">${linkText}</a>`)
      if (data.extratags.hasOwnProperty('wikipedia')) {
        const comps = data.extratags.wikipedia.split(':')
        const linkText = this.localiser.localiseUsingDictionary('Nominatim wikipedia')
        const url = `http://${comps[0]}.wikipedia.org/wiki/${comps[1]}`
        pushDescriptionArray(`<a href="${url}" target="_blank">${linkText}</a>`)
    } else {
      Debug.info('You can add the option extratags=1 to your searchstring in the config.')

    featureOptions.description = descriptionArray.join('<br />')

    if (data.hasOwnProperty('polygonpoints')) {
      const polygonpoints = []
      for (let i = 0, ii = data.polygonpoints.length; i < ii; i++) {
        polygonpoints.push([parseFloat(data.polygonpoints[i][0]), parseFloat(data.polygonpoints[i][1])])
      if (this.featureProjection) {
        transform(polygonpoints, this.dataProjection, this.featureProjection)

      featureOptions.geometry = new Polygon(polygonpoints)
    } else if ((data.hasOwnProperty('lon')) && (data.hasOwnProperty('lat'))) {
      let point = [parseFloat(data.lon), parseFloat(data.lat)]

      if (this.featureProjection) {
        const coords = [parseFloat(data.lon), parseFloat(data.lat)]
        point = transform(coords, this.dataProjection, this.featureProjection)

      featureOptions.geometry = new Point(point)

    const feature = new Feature(featureOptions)

    if (data.hasOwnProperty('icon')) {
      feature.set('iconStyle', data.icon)

    if (id) {

    return [dropdowntext, feature]